

Prices to the left are for a 9 month payment plan starting in August.

*A month is calculated as four full weeks.

10% discount for siblings.

Payment plans are available (that will make monthly payments lower):

12 month plans starting in May

11 month plans starting in June

10 month plans starting in July)

The price you begin with is guaranteed not to change! Once you begin at a certain price point at the CLC, that price will remain throughout your child’s consecutive years of enrollment even if there is a price increase.

5 days a week


4 days a week


3 days a week


2 days a week



Fee Policies

There are no tardies or unexcused absences. However, full fees are required regardless of holidays, vacations, sick days, or other chosen days off by your family. Fees are not charged for scheduled facility weeks off or inclement weather days.

The last month's fees (May) is required at the beginning of the year as a deposit. You may withdraw your child from the Creative Learning Center at any time with a two-week notice (or pay the two weeks without attending); however, the last month’s fee deposit is forfeited. Full refunds are given for withdrawals from the Creative Learning Center before August 15. For new attendees, the first month’s attendance is a trial period and withdrawal is allowed without reason for either party with a full refund minus normal fees for days attended. That said, if there are problems, I would love the opportunity to work it out with you.


Health Policy

We will institute a health code at the CLC starting with the calendar year 2020-2021 based on the COVID-19 pandemic for two reasons:

1.      To keep every young person safe (that reaches to their individual families), and

2..      To keep Cindy, the owner, safe as she has underlying health conditions.

Sickness Policy:

1.      Normally, we can attend social and group settings with colds and even slight coughs and fevers, but only completely healthy people should attend the CLC. That means no fever, cough, runny/stuffy nose, diarrhea, achy joints, headache, stomachache, along with the typical vomiting symptoms will be allowed at the CLC. Stay home until at least 24 hours has passed since the last symptom.

2.      If any family member at each attendee’s home have any symptoms of COVID-19, such as fever, diarrhea, achy joints, shortness of breath, headache, or dry cough, or has been exposed to someone with these symptoms, please report that to Cindy and stay home. Testing may be required to return.

3.      For those who have to stay home for caution or for a longer COVID quarantine than recommended by the CDC, families will be comped or a make-up day arranged.

4.      For those too sick to attend the online version, the normal sick day policy will apply.

5.      If Cindy is sick but capable of functioning, the CLC will close until she is well and the online version of the CLC will commence during that time. If she is too sick to do Zoom, families will be comped or make-up days arranged.

During CLC Hours:

1.      Any cough or sneeze needs to be covered with one’s arm.

3.      The 6-foot standard is no longer being implemented.

4.      At this time, masks will not be required.

Local School Closings:

1.      If local schools close due to COVID or other illness, the CLC may do the same and begin online CLC services. There will be no modifications or accommodations made for those who do not want to attend the online version as offered for their attendance Commitment Letter agreement.

2.      If local schools are on a modified attendance system, the CLC will remain open.

Termination Policy:

1.      If this Health Code policy is purposely ignored or broken on the part of an attendee (a teenaged attendee purposely coughs on someone, for example) or attendee family (a family sends an attendee to the CLC knowing they have a fever, for instance), it is grounds for immediate termination. That consists of a two-week paid notice and forfeiting their deposit.

2.      If this Health Code is accidentally broken (the attendee didn’t appear sick before being dropped off, for example), the attendee family will be issued a warning to be more conscientious of these policies moving forward. Upon a second breach, it is grounds for immediate termination. That consists of a two-week paid notice and forfeiting their deposit.

3.      If an attendee struggles adhering to any of these policies, it will be determined if they will have to leave the CLC for this calendar year. If this is the case within the first month, no penalty will be applied for withdrawal and/or termination. The two-week paid notice will be waived and the deposit will be refunded. After, typical withdrawal penalties apply.

4.      If an attendee develops an illness after being dropped off, the main family contact will be informed via text or telephone call to come pick them up. The attendee will be isolated until someone on the approved pick-up list can pick them up as soon as possible. If this happens on more than one occasion, we will discuss how to avoid this in future or consider Item 2 or 3 above.